Friday, October 3, 2008

Oh Look Smarties!

Another week has come and gone well. In my previous post I was cautious of a load of homework creeping up on me. My caution was justified on Wednesday when several of my teachers piled it on. Wednesday is my worst day of the week for homework because I have school, work and church and only 1 hour in between each. Fortunately I’ve kept up on everything and Katie and I are looking forward to seeing some more family this weekend. My mom and step-dad are traveling to North Carolina for a family reunion on Saturday and are using the opportunity to swing by here on the way back. We’re looking forward to seeing them and the kids.

Katie’s parents brought us some cool movies to watch in our spare time, ha ha. I tore through my homework on Thursday and set aside two hours that night to watch a movie with Katie. I have little interest in giving you a cinema review but I would like to share a pre-viewing dialogue Katie and I had. The movie was set and ready to go but we were missing snacks so we paused our feature presentation and got up to go scavenge the kitchen. Here is what was said while Katie was looking in our pantry. Notice Katie’s very spacey attention span, she gets distracted by anything with a shiny wrapper.

Katie: Do you think you can make s’mores out of chocolate brownies?
Matt: Noooo
Katie: Do you like vanilla pudding? Oh never mind this looks congealed. Wait we only got this for my birthday it doesn’t expire until January 2009 (Katie’s birthday was back in February)
Matt: I guess it’s ok then
Katie: Oooh look Smarties!
Matt: I have no idea where they came from.

We have been blessed this week to be able to hear two messages from the dean of student services, Dave Childs. Mr. Childs is an exceptional preacher that I really enjoy listening to and learning from. We heard from him at Maxwell Hill Baptist Church on Sunday because Pastor Ken was away on vacation. He spoke a riveting message on the nature of God’s grace and how it ought to stir us up. He also spoke at our chapel service on Wednesday about idolatry. The first few minutes of this sermon were very entertaining and the rest convicting. If you have a minute or two and a decent internet connection I encourage to listen to some of his message from chapel. Within the first minute and a half you will have a good laugh, if you listen to the whole thing you will have a good blessing. Dave Childs 10-1-08

My first exam is coming up next Wednesday. It is in my Bible Doctrine Overview class and covers all the material we have learned so far as well as about twelve Bible verses we have had to memorize. Pray for me as I study like crazy because I want a 100%. I’ll let you know the results as soon as I get them.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you all are pretty normal in your search for munchies. There are two times to go through cupboards like that, when looking for munchies, and when looking for gifts for people whom you forgot to get a gift for, it is an unexpected occasion, or the gift you have for them looks to wimpy and you want to augment it. Anyway, those are the times we cupboard-gaze.

    Glad you are getting lots of good sermons/lessons. We do too, on a regular basis. :)
