Since our last post on the rapidly declining local temperature we have actually seen snow. I have heard from people in other states that some have seen “flurries” but we actually had snow. On Monday morning we awoke to a light dusting on the grass and about 1/4 inch on the cars. It was very pleasant until I realized it was still October which seems to mean we are going to be in for a long winter.
These past few days have been excessively busy. At the beginning of this week I had four projects due which required much of my time over the weekend to be completed. Today I have finally taken a breath and can actually see some light at the end of the tunnel. It’s hard to believe that this semester is almost 3/4 over and we have been writing on this blog for over two months.
In this last week Katie and I have settled on plans to travel in December. We will be visiting the Baltimore and Harrisonburg areas and we eagerly await seeing everyone. We have been thinking of some important things to do while we are in Baltimore. Here is a sampling of our list, in no apparent order:
1. Shop at Target...a lot.
2. Eat at P.F. Changs (a restaurant that opened just before we left Baltimore but didn’t have a chance to eat at).
3. Eat at Little China (Beckley is sorely lacking in Chinese cuisine).
4. Buy some cheap clothes at Ross (a great clothing store with awesome prices).
5. See everyone at our old church on Sunday morning.
6. Visit our Chick-Fil-A and see our friends.
7. Go to White Marsh Mall (if malls were dogs then Crossroads Mall in Beckley would be a Chihuahua, White Marsh Mall would be a Tyrannosaurus Rex).
As you may have noticed we have been spoiled by the amenities of a big city. We enjoy the atmosphere and the charm of small town life but just as man cannot live on bread alone Matt and Katie can't shop in Wal Mart only. Also, it would be nice to drive on a road that goes faster than 35 miles per hour and doesn’t have a red light every mile. We are excited to see all our friends and family and take a vacation. But, for now we are staying focused and cracking down on the learning.
Sorry for leaving you without the juicy details of our lives for so long. We anticipate posting again on Friday with the details of our school coffeehouse on Thursday. Stay classy everyone, you’re in our hearts.
I guess you can take city folks out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the folks.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for you. I hope you get adjusted.
LOL, I cant be in the city. I'm used to small, slow and beautiful Virginia. See ya'll in December at church.
ReplyDeleteSince when was T-Rex considered a dog??? HAHAHA
ReplyDeleteMiss you guys so much and can't wait to see you in December!!! Until then, take care and God Bless!!