The waves are calm and all is well. I received the results from three tests today. Two of the tests were from Bible Doctrine Overview, both were 100%. The third was from Grammar and it was a 106% (I got the bonus questions correct). While this is nice, panic in the coming week is very much inevitable. Up to this point I have been given assignments for 4 projects already. Two of which are due this Tuesday. One is nearly complete, the other I must do tomorrow. I’m a natural born procrastinator, but feel God has helped me restrain those desires and keep up on my work very well. Between school and Chick-Fil-A my free time is basically a few hours per week. All work and no play makes Katie an unhappy wife. Kidding, she is being very supportive despite the lack of free time we have together. She actually helps me study whenever she can (usually with my vocabulary) that‘s how we spend time together lately. Who would have thought English Grammar could be good for our marriage?
I still love school and love the area. I feel in my element when I’m learning all day long and Beckley truly is home. When we arrived over a month ago we couldn’t have imagined how well we would fit into the town and the campus family. While we do not lack in fellowship or love down here I do greatly miss our families, separated by hundreds of miles of asphalt. We really look forward to visiting Virginia and Maryland as soon as we can. I don’t ask much except, when we return to Baltimore, we require that we be utterly lavished with love, food and festivities. I thank you for your understanding in advance.
Keep me in your prayers as I chip away at a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible and Theology. Remember Katie in your prayers, specifically that she can start school next year and that the Lord occupies her time until then. We have no T.V. still so she spends a lot of time reading. Katie reads nearly twice as fast as me, she’s almost a freak of nature, at this rate she will have read through every book in the house by February. Then what would she do? I’ve bought her a key chain today, it has this message on the front and back: “See how to keep a speed-reader busy (turn over).” She’s spent the last few hours on that but I don’t think it will hold her for long.
Matt & Katie:
ReplyDeleteRest assure when you get to Maryland you will be lavished with lots of hugs and kisses, festivities and moms home cooking. I got you covered. We miss you hang in there we are so very proud of you. Katie, think crafts, lots of crafts.
Oh, my oh my! I don't think I have ever, in my entire life, been in the position Katie is in. I think I would LOVE to have to figure out something to do because there is nothing to do. Right now, I am inviting Katie to my house for at least a week. Then, we can schedule a return visit to get done the less emergency tasks! Off to clean up my dirty kitchen from canning tomatoes and supper. *sigh* At least the kids are in bed for the night. I am tired, but Andrew is coming home sometime tomorrow evening.
ReplyDeleteHang in there guys! Congratulations on your excellent test results!! Katie must feed you lots of good brain food.
ReplyDeleteI can send some books for you. Your Mom and I have shared them. I have plenty! Let me know. You can write in journals too, to keep your experiences in WV for your kids, grandkids, etc. :) Just a thought.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your test scores!! That's awesome! Keep up the great work. My prayers continue you for both of you.
ReplyDeleteI'm proud of you and your test scores. Keep up the good work. Can Katie crochet? She could make afghans to sell. I could teach her some patterns.
Love & Prayers,