Today we had our first day of actual schooling. To start, let me just say it was incredible and I enjoyed every minute. We began with Biblical Hermeneutics which is a class that Katie is attending this semester. Second was Bible Doctrine Overview, third was English Grammar and finally a convocation chapel service. I don’t feel it necessary to go into the details of any class because they were all introductory. The professors gave their background and some personal notes, then came the syllabi. The upperclassmen are well aware of the panic which is to overcome a freshman on the first day of classes. This phenomenon that I lovingly refer to as a panic is actually called “syllabus shock.” It was new to me until a few days ago, thankfully an older friend did warn me not to lose my cool over this. Syllabus shock comes as a result of your professors handing out a packet of information with class expectations and every major assignment for the semester. Many unsuspecting students see the enormous amount of work and imagine that it needs to be done very soon and begin to hyperventilate. This experience is relived in each new class of the day if the fellow doesn’t wise up and breath into a paper bag.
I must admit, looking at all the projects for the semester was overwhelming, but class was still such a relief compared our commencement procedures. I have found another burdening phenomenon which I am coining “Orientation Overdose.” For the past four days we freshman have been attending student council kickoffs, orientations, presentations and staff meet-n-greets out of the wazoo. It has kept us busy from morning until evening most days and on one occasion until 10:40 at night. I feel that the stress induced by orientation right before school starting overpowers syllabus shock.
Well at least orientation is out the way and subsequent years are said to be much less hassle. Half of my syllabi have already been obtained and sweat over. Tomorrow I take the other half of my classes and hope to transfer the energy that would be spent sweating like an unarmed hunter being chased by a bear into positive can-do motivation.
Our social life has been blessed with some great friends that share a lot in common with us. The little spare time we can scrounge up is spent talking to our new companions to grow our relationships. When we first came here we felt very alone being so far from family and not having met anyone. Now we feel surrounded by friends already. The environment on campus is such that some of our friends are starting to feel like family.
It certainly isn’t perfect down here and not without its struggles but we are happy that God has brought us here and look forward to all that is ahead. See you on Friday when we post about the second and third day of school as well as the first day of work.
P.S. You all read about our lives daily on here and while I am honored at your interest in our life we would like to hear yours too. We’ve been in contact with some friends and family but if we haven’t spoke to you for a while Katie and I would love to hear from you either by phone or e-mail.
Matt & Katie, I wish ya'll the best. And our prayers continue.