Saturday, September 20, 2008

Father Winter Gains A Foothold

Cold seems to have finally set in up in the mountains of West Virginia. I say finally because we have had false alarms with the last month. Two weeks ago it started getting cold, it was sixty degrees one day then ninety the next. It was as if father winter had started climbing up our mountain but half way up the sun shone in his face and he fell back down. I speak for the entire ABC campus when I say this (yes i have that authority) I sure hope it stays cold. I've always been a fan of summer but down here, where I have to wear dress pants all day, I'm begging for coolness.

Thursday my foundations of pastoral ministries class had a guest from Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary come to visit. He actually spoke to us during lunch time which entitled me to a free meal at the cafeteria. I was very excited about that. For the readers who don’t know much about what a seminary is, your in good company. Basically, if I decide to take my education further after graduation from ABC with a B.A. I would go to a seminary for masters and possibly doctorate courses. I like the idea of going as far as I can with my education, but I have to try hard to pace myself. When I think about going to ABC for four years I’m fine. But when I think about going somewhere else for an additional four or more then it feels like Jared from the Subway commercials is sitting on my head. The old Jared, before Subway worked wonders on his waistline. One step at a time, we just need to enjoy ABC for now, who knows what the future may hold?

Friday we enjoyed a married student movie night. All the couples and families got together outside to enjoy a bonfire. Afterward we projected Monsters Inc. onto the side of a house. Don't worry, it was one of our houses. Katie and I had a great time, I think I enjoyed it more because I am still very entertained by children's movies. I may be learning a college intellect but my sense of humor has changed little since elementary school.

Some have questioned our ability to maintain this blog in the midst of a full school and work schedule. We try hard to post on here often because we enjoy sharing our lives with everyone. Time has been restricted lately, even rationed, but whenever we have the opportunity Katie and I sit down to type out what’s been happening to us. We hope you enjoy this as much as we do.


  1. Yes, you should keep up the blog, especially since "chickadeediana" has just entered the blog world, and I think even the e-mail world! If you quit this blog, she may exit the blog world!

    Take school just one semester at a time, and believe me, in no time at all after you are finished, it will seem like a miniscule part of your life.

    Has Katie found more ways to fill her time? I hope so. It sounds like you had a good movie night one evening anyway.

  2. Matt and Katie,

    It sounds like you are really enjoying school and all your new friends. You all should watch a kids movie every week. Its good for the psyche. You can revert back to you childhood for just a little while and forget all about school and work. Have a great week and watch out for the monsters in the closet.

