Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hillary Clinton's Plumb

My last few posts have been very exciting to write, maybe because it is a break from studying or perhaps I just have so much to tell everyone. School is still going great although today was a bit disheartening. I had a quiz in my first class of the day, hermeneutics, which I got an answer wrong on. Not a big deal now that I think about it, but this morning it didn’t seem that way because I’ve spent so much time studying and reading for all my classes. The day got a little bit worse when I showed up for English grammar and realized I had completely forgotten to do one of my homework assignments. I did one of the exercises but forgot another for the class. You probably would have thought I was on my way to a funeral after that. I’ve been studying like crazy so it’s difficult to see myself not getting everything right. As usual, if you know my personality, I mellowed out in a little time and got back on the horse. I see today as a lesson to improve my study habits and realize that despite my best efforts I am not perfect.

I’ve worked out a special college analogy just for your reading entertainment. Tuesday I tried whey protein for the first time which is a supplement to replenish protein in your body and help you build muscle after exercising. Ideally it should be mixed into milk but can be mixed into water to be ingested. Katie and I were out of milk in the house but I wanted to try this substance and begin to reap the benefits of bigger muscles. Note: just because the carton says it “can” be mixed into water doesn’t mean it should be. After the first sip I realized the chocolate flavored health additive had quite the aftertaste. Following gulps only intensified the horrible sensation. I am persistent and I was determined to get that protein down so I held my nose and chugged the rest of it. Which, of course, brought me very close to vomiting back into the cup. I have found this experience to be very similar to that of English Grammar. Now, I don’t say this to sound cruel. I actually had this analogy worked out before I missed my assignment. Anyway, I don’t particularly like grammar nor did I like the taste of whey protein. But I recognize them as something that can help and strengthen me. The protein in muscle building, and the grammar in hulking up my writing skills to improve my posting here. In the end you just have to hold your nose, chug them both and hope you don’t heave it back up.

Keeping the subject on grammar, I would like everyone to know that my vocabulary is truly growing. Each week for grammar class we have 20 new vocabulary words to memorize along with their proper definition. I actually enjoy learning new words and anticipate employing them in my verbal arsenal. However, some seem a little less than useful. I thought of trying to employ them in my post but I think using some of these words would just confuse everyone. Here are some examples: Gyration-A revolving action around an axis. Interstices-Narrow spaces between things. Fortuitous-Happening by chance. Aphorism-A terse saying embodying truth. Aplomb-Self Assurance. I must stop there to say that in order to memorize the definitions I associate the words with pictures in my mind. The word “aplomb” means self assurance and I have found a picture of Hilary Clinton on stage waving a plumb to be an accurate picture. This imagery allowed me to capture the definition in my memory fairly quickly. What are some pictures you would concoct in your head to help you remember words?

Wow, I must be going it is past my bedtime. Luckily my Thursday classes don’t start until 9:00. Keep Katie and I in your prayers. She is doing great and enjoying school, we are really hoping she can go full time next year. Don’t forget, if you haven’t subscribed your e-mail address yet you can do it with the appropriate box on the right.


  1. Wow, sounds like grammar is not your thing, how about grampa? The interstice between your ears must be hurting pretty good. Anyway, you know the old aphorism, "Whatever does not kill you only makes you maimed for life." Of course, as you gyrate your way through the axis of evil known as freshman year, you will become more aplomb in your studies. Nothing happens fortuitously, but it is all in the plan of God. Keep your head up for you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

    Daddy-o Dale

  2. Dale's comment is a hoot! Anyway, chip away at the grammer, and for Pete's sake, get rid of the protein goop! Your bigger muscles will be in your abdomen after wretching in the toilet to vomit up the nauseating liquid.

    Oh, Andrew's mom was an English major in college. Andrew and his siblings, and his mom of course, know vast sums of obscure words and their precise meanings. However, they are understanding enough to use common words when conversing with humans. But, get the family together, and they nearly speak another language. Also, if they don't have the meaning of a new-to-them word in their head firmly, they know about what it means anyway since they all know or studied Latin and/or several other languages. All that just to let you know that I feel like a word-dummy in Andrew's family. After your grammar class you'll be more prepared for advanced conversations!

    Hope you have a good day and weekend!
