In other non-mythical but equally as important news Katie and I both have interviews tomorrow at United Bank. Yes, Michael Phelps wins 8 gold medals and gets a call from the President, Matthew Schmuff hands out a record number of applications and gets a call from United Bank. So I guess every dog has his day, I wouldn’t have minded a call from the President myself but I guess the news hasn’t reached him yet. President Bush, I’ll be waiting. Pray for us as we go for our interviews around 9:00 Thursday morning.
I tell you what, it’s absolutely beautiful down here in the country. Mountains all around us, green trees in every yard, birds singing, kids playing, and the aroma of skunk butt wafting through the windows at night. Seriously, we have a resident skunk near our house. Last night was the third and by far the worst attack in the past week. Katie caught nose of it first, then as I was speaking on the phone with my mother the invisible assailant stormed the fortress of my nasal cavities. It was terrible and to escape it I went upstairs only to find that the demonic odor had ascended to all heights of my personal kingdom. After 20 minutes had passed the smell seemed to subside--until--we got into the car this morning and found that the scent had locked itself in there all night prepared to barrage any unsuspecting victim who might stumble upon it. I’m sure if the skunk were a Christian the Holy Spirit would be convicting him with the golden rule saying “How would you like it if Matthew passed gas in your home?”
That’s all for now but check back often as we let you know how the job interviews go and keep you posted on the Skunk War battlefront. Don’t forget to leave your comments and ratings right below this post so we can know what you think.
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