Friday, August 15, 2008

A Crash Landing into Beckley

Our second official week here in Beckley, a small section of Raleigh County WV, was started with a bang. As we were traveling down one of the three main roads (I use "main road" loosely because it is a one lane highway) here, we were forced to stop abruptly in a line of traffic. I was able to apply my brakes quickly to avoid hitting the car in front of me, a brand new Corvette. The lady behind me didn't seem to be paying attention and was not fortunate enough to stop in time. She hit my bumper and pushed me two feet further. At the moment all i could think of was not hitting the Corvette, so i pushed my brakes harder and we both came to a stop. Everyone was o.k. thankfully, with the exception of my Park Avenue bumper. The red Chevy Cobalt had left red scuff marks on the top of the black bumper, several scratches and dents on the middle and a decent scratch on the muffler which appears to have been bent. Those who know my car and I know that the back bumper is it's worst feature and i am sensitive to that. Adding more damage to my precious bumper was just plain traumatic.

On a serious note, we go to have the car inspected next Wednesday at 10 a.m.. Please pray for a good outcome.

No humans were harmed in the making of this accident.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the stories and can't wait for more! Love that dry sense of humor you inherited from your Uncle!! Love and prayers
