Well this is the last full week before school starts again. I'm excited to be starting my second year of school. I feel much more prepared now that i have seen how college works. I expect this year to be very different from the previous for several reasons: i have tougher classes, i have more experience and ABC now allows beards. Well, only the first two actually pertain to me. Up until this summer ABC did not allow facial hair except for a neatly trimmed moustache. I'm not sure what prompted the school to finally make this change but i know that all the students are reveling in their new found freedom. Nine out of ten of the ABC students i have seen so far have facial hair. I have seen chin straps, gotees, handle bars, bushy beards and every other variation already. I, however, stand out in the crowd because i still have to shave for work at Chick-fil-A. I keep envisioning myself sitting in class with a bunch of scruffy-faced young men, like one city boy lost in a crowd of Amish farmers. The facial hair isn't so bad, some guys look good, some look funny, but most i wouldn't want to meet in a back alley.
On a completely unrelated note, there is something that i simply must share. From time to time God puts events in our lives that cannot be kept to ourself; this is one of those events. This past Saturday Katie and I went to Charleston on a date. We ate at Red Lobster for the first time ever and then went shopping for a little while afterwards. At one point in the evening we found ourselves in Target looking at the mens clothes. While perusing their stylish garments i came upon a shirt that caught my fancy. It was a nice looking button up that i figured i could wear to class. When we looked at it closer i noticed it had some odd stitching on the chest. This puzzled Katie and I for a minute until we realized it was a woman's shirt. At first we thought someone had carried it over from the women's section and been too lazy to put it back where it belonged. But, then we realized that the other shirts were cut the same. Apparently some Target team member mistook the button ups for mens shirts and stocked a whole rack of womens clothes right in the middle of the mens department. Katie, being the responsible person she is, suggested we tell an employee so they could fix the situation. I, however, decided it would be better (or funnier, at least) if we left it the way it was for some unsuspecting guy to come along and try one on. That may sound mean but i assumed it would be a guy with a good sense of humor. After all, how many opportunities are there in life for someone to accidentally cross-dress.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Summer Comes To An End
The time has come for the summer to end, our summer at least. The past fews months have been really great for Katie and I. We have been able to spend a lot of time traveling and with family. It's over the summer that we realize how fortunate we are to have the jobs that we do. We have been able to leave whenever we need to and work whenever we need to. For all the throngs of readers who are wondering what exactly we did this summer, I give you our summer in review.
The school year ended back in the beginning of May. I finished up my remaining projects and crammed for finals in the last two weeks of spring semester. A time of highest rejoicing came when I completed my last final. However, this rejoicing was short lived when Katie and I decided we should try to squeeze forty plus hours in at work at the end of finals week. We overloaded on work because our first vacation was beginning the week after school ended and we didn't want to have to panic over our finances when we got back home. By the time our first vacation came, a cruise to the Bahamas, we were completely burnt out. I suppose there isn't a better time to be burnt out than right before a relaxing cruise but we still regretted taking on so much work. It took us a few days to get back into a normal sleep schedule but we enjoyed our cruise thoroughly. We were very excited to see a new culture in the Bahamas (Surprisingly, the Bahamas are barely different from Baltimore).

After our cruise we spent some time in Baltimore with family before heading back to Beckley. Originally we had plans to leave for a Chick-fil-A grand opening in Fairfax, VA the week after we got back. But after remembering the week before the cruise we decided we should stay home for a little and take it easy. At the end of our trip home when we were driving down our street we saw a car for sale a few houses up the road from us. By this time our cars were giving us untold troubles and we were in need of a new ride. Long story short, the man selling the car was on staff for the school and offered us a great deal. I had to learn how to drive a manual but Katie and I are now th proud owners of a 2003 Volkswagen Passat.

We decided to spend the fourth of July at home so my family came to visit. We invited some of the other married students and had a little cookout at our house. We had planned to have a bonfire but some rain changed that plan. Instead, we roasted marshmallows with our little grill on the back porch in the rain.

The weekend after the Fourth of July we made a trip back up to Baltimore. By this time we were really missing the city. We visited all our favorite stores and did more window shopping than anything. That Sunday night I had the opportunity to preach at Grace Pointe Baptist Church in Chase. Katie and I were very excited about this opportunity because we could finally see if I learned anything during my first year of school. I was very happy to share the message God had laid on my heart and the response was a blessing. Interestingly, I was given the opportunity to preach the same message at Freedom Baptist in Virginia that Wednesday night. This whole trip turned out to be a huge blessing for us this summer, I was very grateful for the preaching opportunities.
We returned home to work for a few more weeks until our final trip of the summer to America's Keswick in Whiting, New Jersey. Keswick is a Christian retreat/conference center that Katie's family has been going to for many years. This was my second year going but I love it to death. On most vacations you go home more tired than when you left but Keswick is truly relaxing for us. After Keswick we stayed a few more days in Baltimore to spend time with family.

Now we are back home, working full time until the school year starts. At the beginning of summer I didn't even want to think about school anymore. But, over these last few months God has restored my desire to learn and given Katie and I much needed rest. I'm excited to be starting my second year of school at Appalachian Bible College. The word around campus is that this is supposed to be my hardest year. That makes me both nervous and excited. Nervous, because I obviously have a hard task ahead of me. Excited, because I love a good challenge and if I get through this year then it's all down hill after that. As we return to a somewhat regular schedule we hope to provide everyone with more regular updates. While you wait for our next post, please keep us in your prayers.
The school year ended back in the beginning of May. I finished up my remaining projects and crammed for finals in the last two weeks of spring semester. A time of highest rejoicing came when I completed my last final. However, this rejoicing was short lived when Katie and I decided we should try to squeeze forty plus hours in at work at the end of finals week. We overloaded on work because our first vacation was beginning the week after school ended and we didn't want to have to panic over our finances when we got back home. By the time our first vacation came, a cruise to the Bahamas, we were completely burnt out. I suppose there isn't a better time to be burnt out than right before a relaxing cruise but we still regretted taking on so much work. It took us a few days to get back into a normal sleep schedule but we enjoyed our cruise thoroughly. We were very excited to see a new culture in the Bahamas (Surprisingly, the Bahamas are barely different from Baltimore).

After our cruise we spent some time in Baltimore with family before heading back to Beckley. Originally we had plans to leave for a Chick-fil-A grand opening in Fairfax, VA the week after we got back. But after remembering the week before the cruise we decided we should stay home for a little and take it easy. At the end of our trip home when we were driving down our street we saw a car for sale a few houses up the road from us. By this time our cars were giving us untold troubles and we were in need of a new ride. Long story short, the man selling the car was on staff for the school and offered us a great deal. I had to learn how to drive a manual but Katie and I are now th proud owners of a 2003 Volkswagen Passat.

We decided to spend the fourth of July at home so my family came to visit. We invited some of the other married students and had a little cookout at our house. We had planned to have a bonfire but some rain changed that plan. Instead, we roasted marshmallows with our little grill on the back porch in the rain.

The weekend after the Fourth of July we made a trip back up to Baltimore. By this time we were really missing the city. We visited all our favorite stores and did more window shopping than anything. That Sunday night I had the opportunity to preach at Grace Pointe Baptist Church in Chase. Katie and I were very excited about this opportunity because we could finally see if I learned anything during my first year of school. I was very happy to share the message God had laid on my heart and the response was a blessing. Interestingly, I was given the opportunity to preach the same message at Freedom Baptist in Virginia that Wednesday night. This whole trip turned out to be a huge blessing for us this summer, I was very grateful for the preaching opportunities.
We returned home to work for a few more weeks until our final trip of the summer to America's Keswick in Whiting, New Jersey. Keswick is a Christian retreat/conference center that Katie's family has been going to for many years. This was my second year going but I love it to death. On most vacations you go home more tired than when you left but Keswick is truly relaxing for us. After Keswick we stayed a few more days in Baltimore to spend time with family.

Now we are back home, working full time until the school year starts. At the beginning of summer I didn't even want to think about school anymore. But, over these last few months God has restored my desire to learn and given Katie and I much needed rest. I'm excited to be starting my second year of school at Appalachian Bible College. The word around campus is that this is supposed to be my hardest year. That makes me both nervous and excited. Nervous, because I obviously have a hard task ahead of me. Excited, because I love a good challenge and if I get through this year then it's all down hill after that. As we return to a somewhat regular schedule we hope to provide everyone with more regular updates. While you wait for our next post, please keep us in your prayers.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
No, We're Not Dead

We haven't posted for a while but we are still alive and kicking. Despite a lack of overall excitement in the city of Beckley, WV we have managed to stay as busy as ever. Most of our time is spent working to save up for tuition the following year. We spend the rest of our time doing things around the house and planning our next trip because there isn't much else to do down here. If you had asked me a year ago how i felt about small town life i would have been very open towards it. However, having lived in such a place for a time now i know that city life is the only life for me. I have no hard feelings for the small towns of America, i just don't think that Wal Mart should be a place's biggest attraction.
In more exciting news, last Thursday we finalized our purchase of a new car--new to us that is. We bought a red, 2003 Volkswagen Passat Turbo from a staff member at the school. As for the price, a gentleman doesn't buy and tell. Just kidding, we happily paid $6,000 for it, a whopping $2,700 under the Kelly Blue Book value. In related news i also learned how to drive a stick shift last week, since our new car has a manual transmission. I had never driven a stick until i sat behind the wheel of this car. The learning experience has been both fun and embarassing. All is well now, i can navigate the town in our new car just fine with only a stall here or there. Did i mention i love our new car? Katie does too and she is learning how to drive it as well.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
We're back!

Alright, I know it's been like two months since we have posted on here but this semester has been really crazy. The first half of this semester was easily the busiest time of my life. I worked the same work schedule as last semester but my homework load doubled. I had papers to write, speeches to rehearse, books to read, stress was flying everywhere. But, then came spring break! There was never a more glorious time than when I finished my midterms and packed up to drive far away from reality. Now that our spring break has been over two weeks we have gotten everything under control. School has calmed down significantly, though it is still busy. It didn't seem likely a month ago, but life has continued and everything is fine. I suppose all that worries me right now is that older and wiser students have warned that the second year is more difficult by leaps and bounds. That will be quite enough of Matt's excuses for now.
How about some good news? We have come into some money. Seriously, we have. A few days ago when we were at the bank I found a $20 bill on the ground. Then, today Katie found a $1 bill outside of Kohls. So we may not be rolling in the dough yet, but if this pattern keeps up then we will be in good shape.
I could take some time to recount all the interesting events that we have been through over the last two months but I already have a five page essay due this week so I don't plan on writing another. I'll summarize in a few compendious phrases (because I'm too educated to say "short" anymore), just add your own imaginative details for interest. My car stinks. School is better. Work is good. Friends are fun. Laptop is on last leg. Everyone is having babies...except us. I put my hand in throw-up. It's finally warm here. We saw a car flip and crash. We saw a true West Virginia wedding. We saw a true West Virginia butt crack. Lots of ladybugs. Lost is awesome. Katie reads...a lot. Sinus infection. There, that was interesting wasn't it?
Katie and I send our love. It's good to write to everyone again.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Ketchup, Catsup, Catch Up
Since our last post all of our car trouble has been resolved. School is going well now, but I got off to a rocky start. Last semester we were eased into the schoolwork, there was orientations, newsletters, etc. This semester we just hit the ground running, no “hi, how you doing” or nothing. I was caught off guard but all is well now and I'm loving my classes this semester.
This weekend we will be traveling to Virginia to meet up with Mine and Katie's parents for a little while. We're really looking forward to getting away for a little bit plus we haven't been shopping for over three weeks.
Please keep on praying for me, my workload seems daunting but I'm doing the best I can. We are making really great friends down here. Keep Katie and I in your prayers as we look for where God will have us minister in the future.
This weekend we will be traveling to Virginia to meet up with Mine and Katie's parents for a little while. We're really looking forward to getting away for a little bit plus we haven't been shopping for over three weeks.
Please keep on praying for me, my workload seems daunting but I'm doing the best I can. We are making really great friends down here. Keep Katie and I in your prayers as we look for where God will have us minister in the future.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Car Trouble
School started on Wednesday and I'm almost back into my routine. The first few classes have gone great, but I certainly have my work cut out this semester. I can honestly say I expect twice as much homework as last semester. Going over the new syllabi became a scary endeavor but the Lord was gracious and gave me the courage to face new challenges head on.
School has been good but our cars have been really frustrating lately. For some time now Katie's car has been leaking water into the back seat floor. Before our Christmas break we wrapped her car in a tarp to keep the water out and we didn't drive the car for about a month. I obviously expected the battery would die, but I didn't anticipate needing her car any time soon. I was wrong. On Tuesday Katie and I decided to have lunch at the Chinese buffet down town. We drove my car down, enjoyed lunch and sat around to chit chat for about an hour. When we tried to leave the restaurant parking lot the car would not start. It wasn't the battery, the battery is brand new because of car trouble back in December. Long story short we need a new starter. We had someone pick us up so we could get to work on time. Then we had a friend pick us up from work that night. The next day I unwrapped Katie's car and got it jumped so we could get around town. We made a trip to Wal Mart and it barely started back up to get us home. The Friday I went out a little early to warm the car up for work because Friday we had a high temperature of 1 degree. The battery was dead again. My jumper cables were nestled safely in the other car stuck at the Chinese buffet. I had to find a friend who didn't have class and had jumper cables so that we could get to work on time. We worked our normal 1-8 shift on Friday and when it was time to leave we came out to another dead battery. The mall security guard helped us get it charged. Katie's car has a most peculiar problem: the water that leaks into the car evaporates during the day and gets onto the windshield, at night it freezes. Of course, the heat in her car is also broken so in order to drive it we have to scrape the inside and outside of the windshield. Unfortunately the scraper was also locked in my other car at the Chinese buffet.
We're home now, on Friday night planning for tomorrow morning when the battery will surely be dead again. After we get off work at 4:00 we're going car shopping!
At least we have some nice snow on the ground, even if it has been -4 degrees and the weather is wreaking havoc on our cars. Pray for us with the car situation, we have no doubt that God will take care of us as he sees fit. Please pray fervently for my schoolwork this semester, I would like to keep my 4.0 GPA but I realize that may be unrealistic with some of the classes I have.
School has been good but our cars have been really frustrating lately. For some time now Katie's car has been leaking water into the back seat floor. Before our Christmas break we wrapped her car in a tarp to keep the water out and we didn't drive the car for about a month. I obviously expected the battery would die, but I didn't anticipate needing her car any time soon. I was wrong. On Tuesday Katie and I decided to have lunch at the Chinese buffet down town. We drove my car down, enjoyed lunch and sat around to chit chat for about an hour. When we tried to leave the restaurant parking lot the car would not start. It wasn't the battery, the battery is brand new because of car trouble back in December. Long story short we need a new starter. We had someone pick us up so we could get to work on time. Then we had a friend pick us up from work that night. The next day I unwrapped Katie's car and got it jumped so we could get around town. We made a trip to Wal Mart and it barely started back up to get us home. The Friday I went out a little early to warm the car up for work because Friday we had a high temperature of 1 degree. The battery was dead again. My jumper cables were nestled safely in the other car stuck at the Chinese buffet. I had to find a friend who didn't have class and had jumper cables so that we could get to work on time. We worked our normal 1-8 shift on Friday and when it was time to leave we came out to another dead battery. The mall security guard helped us get it charged. Katie's car has a most peculiar problem: the water that leaks into the car evaporates during the day and gets onto the windshield, at night it freezes. Of course, the heat in her car is also broken so in order to drive it we have to scrape the inside and outside of the windshield. Unfortunately the scraper was also locked in my other car at the Chinese buffet.
We're home now, on Friday night planning for tomorrow morning when the battery will surely be dead again. After we get off work at 4:00 we're going car shopping!
At least we have some nice snow on the ground, even if it has been -4 degrees and the weather is wreaking havoc on our cars. Pray for us with the car situation, we have no doubt that God will take care of us as he sees fit. Please pray fervently for my schoolwork this semester, I would like to keep my 4.0 GPA but I realize that may be unrealistic with some of the classes I have.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
That City Air
This is just a quick note to say that our new year is going good. Last Wednesday we joined the remnant of married students at the student lounge to play some games and watch the ball drop. We arrived at about 9:30 and had fun for a couple hours. At 11:50 Katie and I both felt we had reached our limit, we were very tired and our contacts were bothering us so we headed home. We got home just in time to watch the ball drop then trudged upstairs to pass out it bed. This break has been great and relaxing but I'm now looking forward to getting back to a regular schedule.
Sunday, after morning service, we took a day trip to Charleston. We had to pick up a friend from the airport at 10 PM so we just decided to arrive early and see the sights. It was so refreshing to see the city. Charleston has it's share of large buildings and corporate offices but it is modest in size. It has that city air that I've come to miss but isn't too big to be overwhelming. We shopped, shopped, ate, shopped and shopped again, then it was time to pick up our friend Drew. The little one terminal airport broke it's only conveyor belt for the baggage so we waited an extra hour for Drew to receive his luggage before we could leave. We had a great day and weren't at all worried about getting home late because we took off on Monday.
This is the last full week before school starts. We are getting some extra hours in at work and enjoying our time at home before i have to hit the books again. Keep us in your prayers as we embark on a new semester, i hope that this one goes as good and even better than the former.
Sunday, after morning service, we took a day trip to Charleston. We had to pick up a friend from the airport at 10 PM so we just decided to arrive early and see the sights. It was so refreshing to see the city. Charleston has it's share of large buildings and corporate offices but it is modest in size. It has that city air that I've come to miss but isn't too big to be overwhelming. We shopped, shopped, ate, shopped and shopped again, then it was time to pick up our friend Drew. The little one terminal airport broke it's only conveyor belt for the baggage so we waited an extra hour for Drew to receive his luggage before we could leave. We had a great day and weren't at all worried about getting home late because we took off on Monday.
This is the last full week before school starts. We are getting some extra hours in at work and enjoying our time at home before i have to hit the books again. Keep us in your prayers as we embark on a new semester, i hope that this one goes as good and even better than the former.
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