Sunday, August 23, 2009

Accidentally Cross Dressed

Well this is the last full week before school starts again. I'm excited to be starting my second year of school. I feel much more prepared now that i have seen how college works. I expect this year to be very different from the previous for several reasons: i have tougher classes, i have more experience and ABC now allows beards. Well, only the first two actually pertain to me. Up until this summer ABC did not allow facial hair except for a neatly trimmed moustache. I'm not sure what prompted the school to finally make this change but i know that all the students are reveling in their new found freedom. Nine out of ten of the ABC students i have seen so far have facial hair. I have seen chin straps, gotees, handle bars, bushy beards and every other variation already. I, however, stand out in the crowd because i still have to shave for work at Chick-fil-A. I keep envisioning myself sitting in class with a bunch of scruffy-faced young men, like one city boy lost in a crowd of Amish farmers. The facial hair isn't so bad, some guys look good, some look funny, but most i wouldn't want to meet in a back alley.

On a completely unrelated note, there is something that i simply must share. From time to time God puts events in our lives that cannot be kept to ourself; this is one of those events. This past Saturday Katie and I went to Charleston on a date. We ate at Red Lobster for the first time ever and then went shopping for a little while afterwards. At one point in the evening we found ourselves in Target looking at the mens clothes. While perusing their stylish garments i came upon a shirt that caught my fancy. It was a nice looking button up that i figured i could wear to class. When we looked at it closer i noticed it had some odd stitching on the chest. This puzzled Katie and I for a minute until we realized it was a woman's shirt. At first we thought someone had carried it over from the women's section and been too lazy to put it back where it belonged. But, then we realized that the other shirts were cut the same. Apparently some Target team member mistook the button ups for mens shirts and stocked a whole rack of womens clothes right in the middle of the mens department. Katie, being the responsible person she is, suggested we tell an employee so they could fix the situation. I, however, decided it would be better (or funnier, at least) if we left it the way it was for some unsuspecting guy to come along and try one on. That may sound mean but i assumed it would be a guy with a good sense of humor. After all, how many opportunities are there in life for someone to accidentally cross-dress.


  1. Sounds like something your Father-In-Law would do. LOL

  2. First of all, I have never cross-dressed accidentally. I'll leave it at that. Also, can the women wear beards? I just have this image . . . .
