Alright, I know it's been like two months since we have posted on here but this semester has been really crazy. The first half of this semester was easily the busiest time of my life. I worked the same work schedule as last semester but my homework load doubled. I had papers to write, speeches to rehearse, books to read, stress was flying everywhere. But, then came spring break! There was never a more glorious time than when I finished my midterms and packed up to drive far away from reality. Now that our spring break has been over two weeks we have gotten everything under control. School has calmed down significantly, though it is still busy. It didn't seem likely a month ago, but life has continued and everything is fine. I suppose all that worries me right now is that older and wiser students have warned that the second year is more difficult by leaps and bounds. That will be quite enough of Matt's excuses for now.
How about some good news? We have come into some money. Seriously, we have. A few days ago when we were at the bank I found a $20 bill on the ground. Then, today Katie found a $1 bill outside of Kohls. So we may not be rolling in the dough yet, but if this pattern keeps up then we will be in good shape.
I could take some time to recount all the interesting events that we have been through over the last two months but I already have a five page essay due this week so I don't plan on writing another. I'll summarize in a few compendious phrases (because I'm too educated to say "short" anymore), just add your own imaginative details for interest. My car stinks. School is better. Work is good. Friends are fun. Laptop is on last leg. Everyone is having babies...except us. I put my hand in throw-up. It's finally warm here. We saw a car flip and crash. We saw a true West Virginia wedding. We saw a true West Virginia butt crack. Lots of ladybugs. Lost is awesome. Katie reads...a lot. Sinus infection. There, that was interesting wasn't it?
Katie and I send our love. It's good to write to everyone again.